JIM RHUBART | You are a Product of Your Process
What is it that defines you? What has made you into the person you are today?
Jim Rhubart is a third-generation owner/operator of a family-owned business, Jim Rhubart Roofing. His mission is to provide the utmost professional service with attention to detail before, during, and after his work. Jim is a driven, take-charge, servant leader. He employs those same values with his family as well, but becoming the man he is today has not been easy. The time and effort it takes to build both a successful business and family at the same time is a process that requires dedication, prioritization, difficult choices, and some blood, sweat, and tears along the way.
In our conversation, Jim shares his vision, the struggles he has encountered along the way, and the choices he has made that have put him on a path that very few travel in life.
Show highlights:
The demands of inheriting a family business while building your own family
Deciding to go all in and getting the most out of yourself
How you work sixteen to eighteen-hour days and maintain family values
What it means to give 100% of yourself to your spouse
Is there such a thing as having balance?
Debunking your own fears
Creating distance between you and our competition
Disconnecting from distractions
Doing what it takes to be the man you want to be for your wife
Jim on IG: https://www.instagram.com/jimrhubartjr/
Jim on FB: https://www.facebook.com/jim.rhubart
Follow Mike on IG: https://www.instagram.com/mikebellini7/
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